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Thu 15 Jul 2021 - Richard Pennington's doo - Updated BT Manchester Staff

Richard Pennington's doo - Updated

Hi From BT MR Staff,
Richard Pennington 2.jpg
The plan was to say farewell on Friday 23rd July, but that has now been scuppered. The Arden Arms have changed their minds about hosting parties, and this is probably true of other venues too, who now want to unlock more cautiously.

Rick wrote:-

My daughter has got in touch with the Pub to see if all can go ahead for the 23rd but unfortunately they have changed their position and aren’t taking bookings for a while until they see how things pan out. This isn’t what they said to me two weeks ago, I suspect they are worried with the infections being so high. So the do is off for the foreseeable future and I cant see things getting better this side of Christmas but we’ll see. If things improve it might be back on but the further we move away from it the less it has to do with me leaving. I’d have to change it to 'Just a piss up for who ever wants to come' which is what it was always going to be anyway.

Message dated: Thu 15 Jul 2021

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